Visiting with children

Are you visiting with (young) children? Then please read the following before you make a reservation or come by!

Here at Pebbles Kitty Cat Café, we welcome children of all ages. We think it is important that children learn how to interact with cats starting at a young age. However, -just as it goes for all other visitors- we do expect children to comply with our house rules as well. These rules can be found on our “About Us” page and in the booklet on the table during your visit.

The cat-café is the home of our 7 cats. Cats love predictability and may be startled by loud (high pitched) noises or sudden movements. In their enthusiasm, children can be very unpredictable and noisy at times. Cats need a staggering amount of sleep, between 14 and 18 hours, which is why it is important that there’s a calm setting in the café! It would be a detriment to your and our other guests’ visit if the cats retreat due to noise and chaos. This is also why we only have a limited amount of tables available.

We have noticed that primarily children under the age of 6 find it difficult to adhere to the house rules. It helps to go through the house rules together, before and during your visit. Besides, it can occur that the cats aren’t in a playful mood and would rather take a nap in one of the climbing trees. It is for this reason that we also ask parents to adjust their children’s expectations accordingly. The cat café is no playground, but the home of our seven cats. We request that you always guide young children (by the hand) through the café, and not let them roam around by themselves.

Should it happen that the cats prefer to sleep during your visit, we have a large bookcase full of fun books about cats, (board)games to play together, and (cat) colouring pages with coloured pencils. Plenty to be done, both for kids and adults alike!

When visitors do not comply with our house rules, they will be addressed by our staff. We ask you to always follow the instructions of the staff. The well-being of our cats is very important to us.

Of course, you can ask our staff questions regarding our cats and which toys they favour. Cats are picky creatures, and they definitely have their preferences. Our staff enjoys talking at length about our 7 special residents. After all, we all have one thing in common: our love for cats!

We would like to ask you to carefully consider if a visit with (young) children is a fun experience for: our cats, yourself, your children, and our other visitors.

Should you have any questions in regards to this topic, you can always contact us by email or phone.